Monday, August 3, 2009

101 Holistic Health Remedies | Consider a caffeine detox

101 Holistic Health Remedies and Tips - Page7

(91) Consider a caffeine detox

If you have been promising to give up coffee, or to cut down, you might need to actually remove the effects of caffeine from your system with a detoxification process that includes chamomile. This extract helps to calm you while washing caffeine from your system. You can use chamomile tea, or a specially developed compound designed to detoxify the body.

(92) Be mindful instead of bored

If you feel bored, or feel as though you are stretching every minute to its fullest extent in order to get things done, you are probably a good candidate for the practice of mindfulness. Through mindfulness, you are going to get to the root of what is causing you to feel stressed or bored. Often there is something deeper that is causing you anxiety, and through this technique you are likely to discover what that something is. The premise is to let go of pain and to allow thoughts to flow freely. By trying to suppress feelings and control thoughts, you are actually doing your body more harm than good.

(93) Be gracious in all circumstance

Gratitude is extremely powerful, and remembering to say thank you for even the littlest things can be a powerful positive change. Expressing gratitude is much more pleasant than expressing frustration, and it will eventually begin to replace the negative habit of complaining that we all get into some times.

(94) Improve your sleeping habits

One of the best things that everyone can do to improve their well-being is to moderate their sleeping patterns. Unfortunately, poor sleep is a habit learned by nearly everyone during the teenage years. It is critical to allow your body the time it needs to wind down and relax so that you can be rejuvenated. If you feel tired during the day, when you awaken in the morning or exhausted before bedtime it is a sign that you are not getting the right amount of sleep. This could be too much, or too little. Try setting aside eight hours for sleep each night, getting into bed no less than half an hour prior to the time that you want to be asleep. If you do this for a few weeks, you will find positive improvements in your overall health and productivity.

(95) Relieve pain with acupuncture

Acupuncture is an age old healing technique used to stimulate nerve endings and to promote healing from within. Overall, the goal of an acupuncturist is to restore well being and good health to the whole body. If you are currently experiencing chronic pain, consider consulting a therapist to see if your pain might be reduced with treatments.

(96) Use magnets for minor pain relief

Magnetic therapy is becoming a very popular method for treating chronic pain and conditions that cause chronic pain. Magnets are shown to increase blood flow through the body by as much as a third. This increased circulation is a great way to alleviate pain.

(97) Use a chiropractor for more than your back

Even if you are experiencing an illness or injury somewhere other than in your back, there is a chance that a Chiropractor will be able to alleviate some of your symptoms. In general, holistic chiropractors believe that most illnesses are a result of nerve impingements somewhere in the body. By carefully manipulating the spine, these nerves can be released and symptoms or even the illness itself will fade. Consider scheduling a consultation with a chiropractor today. The visit will generally include an examination, discussion of your symptoms and possibly an adjustment to see if you experience immediate relief.

(98) Use chamomile for teething problems

Homeopathic remedies for teething contain this extract, which is known for its calming effects. The safest way to use this extract is in a cream or gel designed specifically for teething babies. There are specifically designed capsules that are placed under the baby’s tongue to induce calmness and relieve pain.

(99) Take vitamin C prior to sun exposure

Getting a sunburn is definitely unpleasant. By taking an extra dose of vitamin C prior to beginning your sun exposure, you are boosting your skin’s natural defenses. If you would like increased protection, consider adding vitamin E as well.

(100) Try magnesium for leg cramps

Many people suffer from cramps in their legs, particularly in the calves. Drinking more water will probably help to relieve the frequency and adding magnesium to your diet is a great way to eliminate these cramps forever.

(101) Do what your soul wants

If you take the time to listen to your inner voice, your soul will tell you what it needs. It is important to take the time to listen; otherwise you can lose your soul and not be able to find out what it is that you are missing. Just a few moments of quiet each day, and you are bound to learn something that can change your life.

Houseofmax Disclaimer:
The information offered in this blog is a compilation of tips from the holistic community and should not be taken as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please consult your physician.

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